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Germany Places Order for Rheinmetall Practice Rockets

Germany Places Order for Rheinmetall Practice Rockets

The German Armed Forces has ordered unguided 70 mm practice rockets from Rheinmetall under a potential $109.42 million framework contract.

An initial order worth a mid-double-digit million euro was placed in the second quarter, with deliveries expected to be completed in the coming months and serial production to commence between 2025 and 2029.

The practice rockets will allow combat helicopter crews to operate in realistic training scenarios, Rheinmetall said.

The weapons can be used as armaments of the combat helicopter Tiger, which has firing pods compatible with the product, to hit infantry targets and lightly armored vehicles.

Rheinmetall also won a separate contract with the German Armed Forces earlier in July to deliver up to 6,500 military trucks worth $3.75 billion.

A $334 million initial order for over 610 vehicles was placed, with 250 trucks set for delivery in 2024, Defense and Security Monitor reported.
