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New Zealand Wants Closer Cooperation With Five Eyes Intelligence Partners

New Zealand Wants Closer Cooperation With Five Eyes Intelligence Partners

New Zealand is seeking stronger ties with its Five Eyes partners under its new prime minister, Christopher Luxon.

The Five Eyes was established by the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to share intelligence during World War II. 

According to Winston Peters, foreign minister of New Zealand, the government will reinvigorate the defense and security agreements with Five Eyes and other key allies around the world.

Peters is the leader of the New Zealand First Party, a coalition partner of Luxon’s National Party. He also served as foreign minister from 2005 to 2008. 

The government official expressed interest in improving the nation’s relationship with countries in Asia, specifically India. 

In addition, Peters committed to acquiring equipment and other resources necessary to strengthen New Zealand’s military. The Oceanian nation is struggling with aging systems and personnel shortages.

Of the nation’s nine naval ships, three sit idle in port due to workforce issues. 

“We know that we will need to have greater presence, and we will need to bolster sovereign capabilities that enable us to act in a more challenging geostrategic environment,” Peters said in a speech to the diplomatic corps in Wellington.

“And we are focused as a priority on acquiring the resources necessary to bolster those capabilities.”
