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European Defence Agency Seeks Unmanned Solutions for Military Logistics

European Defence Agency Seeks Unmanned Solutions for Military Logistics

The European Defence Agency is conducting market research on existing unmanned platforms and related services for military logistics applications. The unmanned aerial systems and unmanned ground systems should be capable of transporting payloads of at least 5 kg.

All commercial operators are invited to submit responses to the market research survey by March 15. Respondents must include technical specifications and operational capabilities of their products, including the type of propulsion and command, control and communications architecture, system technology readiness level, maximum operational range, autonomy level, maximum flight time, recharging or refueling time and optimal cruise speed.

The EDA will use the data gathered to assess private sector readiness to advance military logistics and create an overview of available unmanned solutions and services to inform future capability development efforts.

The agency was established in 2004 to promote European defense cooperation, support European Union member states in acquiring military assets, offer joint military training and exercises, and set capability development priorities.
