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US Partners With Australia, UK to Address Disruptions to Critical Supply Chains

US Partners With Australia, UK to Address Disruptions to Critical Supply Chains

The United States has established a Supply Chain Resilience Cooperation Group with the United Kingdom and Australia to address threats to critical supply chains.

The Department of Homeland Security partnered with the U.K.’s Department for Business and Trade and Australia’s Department of Industry, Science and Resources to create the group, initially focusing on the telecommunications sector as part of an early warning pilot.

The countries consider telecommunications, which involves satellite and subsea communications, a critical sector because of its role in economic security, the distribution of public safety information, emergency services, financial services and other significant functions.

Under the pilot program, the SCRCG will identify and monitor potential disruptions to supply chains in the sector, enhance global understanding of telecommunication vulnerabilities, and develop communications channels for sharing information, DHS said.

According to DHS Undersecretary for Policy Robert Silvers, the partnership sets the groundwork to prepare for potential supply chain disruptions and prevent shortages of critical goods.

The SCRCG was established after a memorandum of understanding was signed between the DHS Supply Chain Resilience Center and the British and Australian agencies.
