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Redwire to Develop Argonaut’s Robotic Arm to Deliver, Retrieve Payloads on the Moon

Redwire to Develop Argonaut’s Robotic Arm to Deliver, Retrieve Payloads on the Moon

Redwire has secured a contract from the European Space Agency to design and build a robotic arm prototype for the future Argonaut lunar lander. 

The Argonaut is planned to give Europe access to the moon. The lander will deliver various payloads to the lunar surface, including scientific instruments or even a rover.

Redwire’s Manipulator for Argonaut Payload Needs and Unloading Support system will be a key capability for the upcoming lander. It will be in charge of offloading and retrieving 1,500-1,800 kilograms of cargo to and from the moon.

MANUS will also be designed to perform maneuvers to ensure precise positioning of the lander. 

“As a leader in robotic arm development and with a proven track record of delivering innovative solutions for ambitious space exploration missions, Redwire’s robotic capabilities are poised to play a crucial role in future European space missions, contributing to lunar exploration and paving the way for advancements in space exploration technology,” said Jaroslaw Jaworski, managing director of Redwire Space in Luxembourg.

Redwire will manufacture the MANUS system at its facilities in Luxembourg, where the company designs its STAARK robotic arm for on-orbit missions.

ESA plans to launch the Argonaut lander on the Ariane 6 rocket. No lift-off date has been set, but the platform is expected to deliver cargo to the Moon by the decade’s end.
