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Northrop Grumman Partners With Andoya Space to Offer MQ-4C for Norwegian Defense; Jane Bishop Quoted

Northrop Grumman Partners With Andoya Space to Offer MQ-4C for Norwegian Defense; Jane Bishop Quoted

Northrop Grumman will offer its MQ-4C Triton unmanned aerial system to support Norway’s defense capabilities under a memorandum of understanding with Norwegian company Andoya Space. 

According to the defense contractor, the collaboration will leverage Triton’s advanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities to cover the nation’s defense priorities.

Jane Bishop, Northrop Grumman vice president and general manager for global surveillance, described the partnership with Andoya Space as “pivotal,” with Norway looking at options for defending its interests in the Scandinavian region’s High North.

In April, Oslo announced plans to maintain the operations and military presence at the Andoya Air Station and develop it as a UAS base for High North sea surveillance, according to the website High North News. The air station’s Andoya island location is also the base of Northrop Triton partner Andoya Space, which provides launch services, ground-based instrumentation and engineering solutions, and a military test range.

Andoya Space CEO Ketil Olsen noted the long pioneering history in aerospace that the company shares with Northrop Grumman. “Our collaboration will help find robust technological solutions to Norway’s needs and challenges in the north when it comes to maritime surveillance, safety and security,” he said.

Norway plans to invest about $60 billion in defense during the next 12 years, boosting surveillance through drones and satellites among the programmed expense items.
