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Victor Udoewa is joining The CX Imperative Forum on Jan. 25, 2024. You may reserve a slot now or become a member of the Potomac Officers Club to get into the action.
Who is Victor Udoewa?

Image from POC profile
Mr. Victor Udoewa is the CTO, Chief Experience Officer, as well as Service Design Lead of the NASA Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Research (SBIR/STTR) Program. He spent almost two decades working on data modernization.
This Harvard University SB in Mechanical Engineering graduate was quoted saying:
“Researching, ideating, designing, prototyping, measuring, and iterating on both a service and the mechanics behind the service to improve both the customer experience and the employee experience across multiple touch points and interactions, both digital and non-digital, online and offline,”
Mr. Udoewa also boasts of being a Graduate student, a teaching assistant, and researcher. He earned his degree in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science from Rice University. Added to that, he was an HSPVA Diploma Salutatorian.
Victor Udoewa: Work Background

As a development engineer he focuses on infrastructure, post-disaster reconstruction, global health and climate neutrality. Prior to his NASA position, he was 18F’s Director of Strategy. 18F is a civic consultancy for and inside the federal government.
Having started the education business unit, Mr. Udoewa has developed a string of educational products and services. He has also managed the digital strategists’ practice and directed strategy. In addition, he served as a strategist and designer on partner projects.
Also, he landed on roles such as Training Development Specialist and Global Education Instructional Designer at Google where he was in charge of designing learning experiences meant for people from low to middle-income countries worldwide.
Apart from that, he served as a Google adviser on global energy and access work. Before Google, he worked at the DHS and USAID both as an advisor on science & technology policy capacity.
It is evident that Victor Udoewa is one person who specialize in the dynamic fields of international development, education, engineering and Health Trauma & Crisis counseling.
On the lighter side, he is a writer, stage actor, and a musician by heart. That’s how talented and skilled he is.
View Mr. Udoewa’s research while at NASA and the rest of the companies he worked for.
Victor Udoewa at The CX Imperative Forum

Mr. Udoewa joins The CX Imperative Forum which will be held at the 2941 Restaurant at Fairview Park Drive, Falls Church, VA this coming January. He will be speaking at the panel, with Ms. Dana Chisnell delivering the keynote.
Click here to get more details
About the OPHDST

The OPHDST, or the Office of Public Health Data, Surveillance, and Technology, is a platform aiming for better partnerships and collaboration within public health data and surveillance, which includes data modernization. This coordinated strategy includes all programs of the CDC, public health, and several of its external partners.
This office gathers the tasks of the Deputy Director for Public Health Science and Surveillance and joins forces with experts from other centers and divisions managed by CDC. The purpose is for better execution of its public health mission. Likewise, the federal government agency, National Center for Health Statistics is included.