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Airbus, Satlantis Sign MOU to Offer Infrared Capability to Spanish Government

Airbus, Satlantis Sign MOU to Offer Infrared Capability to Spanish Government

Airbus and Bilbao-based company Satlantis are collaborating on space-based infrared capabilities for the Spanish government and Ministry of Defence. 

The companies recently signed a memorandum of understanding to integrate Satlantis-developed optical and thermal cameras on Airbus satellites. 

The partnership aims to offer governments with high-resolution thermal observation and data collection to strengthen national security, assist in natural disaster management and improve environmental monitoring at an affordable cost. 

The technology will use high-resolution capability in the mid-wave infrared and long-wave infrared thermal bands to deliver critical Earth observation data for government and defense applications.

“The combination of Airbus’ expertise in space systems and Satlantis’ experience in advanced optical instruments will allow us to offer infrared measurement solutions for both civil and defense applications,” said Luis Guerra Peña, head of Airbus Space Systems in Spain. 

“We are convinced of the potential of this project and its contribution to foster Spain’s technological leadership in space,” he added.
