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US Sanctions 3 Entities for Supporting Pakistan’s Ballistic Missile Development Program

u.s. department of state

The United States has sanctioned three China-based entities tagged for allegedly supplying critical components for Pakistan’s ballistic missile development program.

The three designated companies are General Technology Ltd, Beijing Luo Luo Technology Development Co. and Changzhou Utek Composite Co.

In a statement, Matthew Miller, a spokesperson for DOS, said the companies engaged in activities that materially contributed to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery.

The organizations supported efforts by Pakistan to manufacture, acquire, possess, develop, transport, transfer or use the controlled items, he added.

According to the State Department, General Technology supplied Pakistan with brazing materials, which are used to combine components in ballistic missile rocket engines. They are also important items in manufacturing combustion chambers.

It said Beijing Luo Luo Technology Development, meanwhile, delivered mandrels and other machinery to Pakistan. The goods are part of the production process for solid‐propellant rocket motors.

The U.S. government also tracked Changzhou Utek as the source of Pakistan’s D‐glass glass fiber, quartz fabric and high silica cloth, which can be applied in missile systems.

Miller said DOS’ actions reflect the U.S. government’s continuing crackdown against the proliferation of WMD.
