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Serco Wins $107M Mideast Base Support Contract From Australian Defence Force

adf soldier loading equipment

The Australian Defence Force has renewed its contract with Serco to provide logistics and base support for its operations in the Middle East. 

The expansion contract for MELABS, short for Middle East Logistics and Base Support Services, is a continuation of the agreement that the two organizations originally signed in 2011. 

Mark Irwin, group chief executive at Serco, said the contract renewal reinforces the company’s long relationship with the ADF.

“We have the privilege of working in partnership with the ADF for more than a decade in the Middle East. To provide exceptional logistics and base services support demonstrates Defence’s confidence in Serco,” he said.

The MELABS contract is valued at $107 million and has an initial term of three years that will begin in January 2024.

Under the deal, Serco will continue to provide 26 different service lines to ADF in the Middle East. These include transportation, facilities operation and maintenance, airfield rescue, and firefighting response.
