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Switzerland Joins Artemis Accords on Sustainable Space Exploration

Switzerland Joins Artemis Accords on Sustainable Space Exploration

Switzerland signed NASA’s Artemis Accords on Monday, making it the 37th signatory to the international agreement promoting sustainable space development.

Swiss Federal Councilor Guy Parmelin, who signed the accords on Switzerland’s behalf, said joining the group renews the country’s commitment and “long-standing partnership” on joint space exploration with NASA.

Bill Nelson, the agency’s administrator who presided over the signing ceremony at NASA headquarters in Washington, described Switzerland’s participation as a giant leap forward in the two nations’ bilateral relations and expands their commitment to the open and peaceful discovery of the unknown.

The multilateral agreement, an initiative of NASA and the U.S. Department of State launched in 2020, follows through on the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 governing the signatory states’ activities in the exploration and use of outer space. The agency expects more countries to sign the agreement as NASA continues pursuing safe and peaceful space activities with international partners.

The University of Bern’s DIMPLE instrument, which NASA’s Science Directorate recently selected as part of Artemis missions, was cited during the signing as an example of Swiss collaboration with the agency, the Swiss Impact website reported.

Also representing Switzerland in Monday’s signing event were Peter Wurz, University of Bern director for space and planetary sciences; Martina Hirayama, Swiss state secretary for education, research and innovation; Jacques Pitteloud, Swiss ambassador to the United States; and Marco Sieber, a Swiss astronaut training at the European Space Agency.

Switzerland is an ESA founding member, actively participating in European space development since 1960.
