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Nokia CSTO Nishant Batra Joins Quad Investors Network’s Advisory Board; Karl Mehta Quoted

Nishant Batra

Nishant Batra, Nokia’s chief strategy and technology officer, has been named a member of the advisory board of the Quad Investors Network composed of tech industry leaders and innovators in the United States, Japan, Australia and India. America’s Frontier Fund, a nonprofit deep-tech investment fund based in Arlington, Virginia, organized QUIN in May 2022 and oversees the network.

QUIN’s advisory board sets the network’s strategic direction, leads working groups, and promotes investments and government engagement across the Quad countries.

Batra said it is an honor to be on the network’s board and that he looks forward to collaborating with other board members “to drive innovation and identify new opportunities in critical technology areas, such as [artificial intelligence] and next-generation networks.”

Karl Mehta, QUIN chairman, acknowledged the “important addition” to the board, noting Batra’s industry experience in such technologies as artificial intelligence and next-generation 6G networks.

Batra’s responsibilities in Nokia include overseeing corporate development and strategy, information technology infrastructure and digitalization programs, security domain centralization, and research at Nokia Bell Labs.
