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Sweden Secures US Approval to Purchase 12 Black Hawk Helicopters

black hawk helicopter

Sweden has secured clearance from the United States to acquire 12 Black Hawk helicopters for approximately $900 million.

The Department of State green-lighted Stockholm’s procurement request, which also includes the necessary components, equipment and other elements of logistics and program support to operate and maintain the combat aircraft.

According to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the proposed UH-60M sale will enable Sweden to better deter current and future threats in Europe.

The potential government-to-government deal will also improve Sweden’s security, thereby advancing the U.S. government’s foreign policy goals and national security objectives in the region, it added.

Subject to approval from Congress, Lockheed Martin company Sikorsky will fulfill the contract requirements.

The DSCA noted that Sweden is expected to readily integrate the upcoming military hardware into its armed forces.

In a statement, a Sikorsky spokesperson said the company is ready to support the agreement.

The UH-60M helicopters will support critical operations in the region and enable greater military interoperability, the spokesperson told Breaking Defense. 
