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US, Australian Navies Intercept Missile Target During Aegis Weapon System Test

US, Australian Navies Intercept Missile Target During Aegis Weapon System Test

The U.S. Navy has partnered with the Royal Australian Navy and Royal Australian Air Force to test a ballistic missile defense system in the Pacific. 

On March 28, the armed forces intercepted an advanced medium-range ballistic missile type 3 configuration 2 using the Standard Missile-6 Dual II as part of the Missile Defense Agency’s Flight Test Aegis Weapon System 32.

“This successful intercept against an advanced threat-representative target in the final stages of flight demonstrated the power and flexibility of the Aegis weapon system paired with the Standard Missile 6,” said Lt. Gen. Heath Collins, director of MDA.

For the test, the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kauai, Hawaii, launched a two-stage, rocket-fueled ballistic missile target. Meanwhile, USS Preble deployed the SM-6 Dual II missiles to destroy the MRBM.

The U.S. Navy’s USS Jack H. Lucas, the first Flight III Aegis destroyer equipped with Spy-6 radar, and the RAN’s Anzac-class frigate HMAS Stuart participated in FTM-32.

An Australian E-7 Wedgetail aircraft also assisted the flight test by collecting data and facilitating communication.

“It is a great example of our deepening defense engagement with the U.S. and an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the Australian Defence Force’s interoperability with the U.S. Navy,” said Lt. Gen. Greg Bilton, ADF chief of joint operations.

The American and Australian navies use the Aegis combat system to detect incoming missile threats.
