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Saab Seals Swedish Government Deal to Advance Development of Gripen Fighter; Lars Tossman Quoted

Saab Seals Swedish Government Deal to Advance Development of Gripen Fighter; Lars Tossman Quoted

Saab will continue working with the Swedish government to further develop the Gripen aircraft for the country’s military needs.

The aerospace company secured a $49.8 million order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration to advance the platform’s capabilities.

The agreement will benefit both the Swedish Armed Forces and international users of the fighter jet, Saab said.

Under the deal, the defense contractor will also provide Sweden with operations support for test aircraft and equipment such as rigs and simulators.

According to the company, the equipment will prove useful for the Swedish military once new upgrades for existing systems are delivered and advanced capabilities for Gripen C/D and Gripen E are finalized.

Lars Tossman, head of the aeronautics business at Saab, said Gripen’s continued development requires simulators and rigs that are cost-effective to operate and ready to integrate the latest technology.

“This order ensures that Gripen will remain at the forefront for a long time to come,” Tossman stressed.

Saab will perform work on the FMV contract at its facilities in Linkoping, Gothenburg, Jarfalla and Arboga.

The Swedish company sealed the government contract as Saab President and CEO Micael Johansson revealed his plans to establish an innovation hub in San Diego, California, to enhance existing product lines using emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics.

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