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Canada Sharpens Arctic Military Capabilities With Northern Allies in Operation Nanook-Nunalivu

Canada Sharpens Arctic Military Capabilities With Northern Allies in Operation Nanook-Nunalivu

The Canadian Armed Forces deployed more than 300 members to the Operation Nanook-Nunalivut military exercise to demonstrate and sharpen the service’s Arctic capabilities and ensure the CAF’s continuing coordination with allies and partners in the region.

The operation is one of four annual military exercises launched in 2007 to secure Canada’s northern regions and demonstrate Canberra’s Arctic and Northern Policy Framework.

The CAF said about 50 military elements from the United States, Belgium, Germany and France joined the 2024 exercise scheduled from March 1 to 17 in Resolute, Nunavut and Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The participants’ activities include joint long-range patrols, equipment and capability testing, Arctic logistics and under-ice water diving.

Through Nanook-Nunalivut, the CAF builds and maintains relationships on military readiness with allies through interoperability training exercises and sharing Arctic techniques. The operation also engages local and regional partners with specializations in Arctic terrain, infrastructure and logistics.

According to Brig. Gen. J.M.Y.D. Riviere, joint task force north commander, close collaboration with partners is important because the north is a demanding environment, and allies sharing knowledge strengthens the collective capability to meet the region’s challenges.
