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Global Tech Advocacy Group Issues Game Plan for a Single European Market to Promote Innovation

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The Information Technology Industry Council, a Washington-based trade association, has issued a new policy guide recommending the further integration of Europe into a single market to enhance industry competitiveness and innovation.

In a press release issued on Wednesday, ITI said the playbook, “Vision 2030: How to Enable Innovation and Ensure Competitiveness and Resilience Across Europe,” focuses on three complementary approaches that tackle strategic priorities, a call to action and a European policy scorecard.

Under strategic priorities, ITI urges European policymakers to strengthen open trade and further cultivate relationships with global partners. The council also sees the need to revamp Europe’s approach to standardization in favor of a global union on rules and standards.

In addition, the ITI playbook suggests that lawmakers consider ways to harness technology’s potential in achieving the region’s sustainability goals.

According to Jason Oxman, ITI president and CEO, several pieces of legislation in the European Union’s pipeline, such as the AI Act and Cyber Resilience Act, can take concrete steps from the council’s playbook to form an industry partnership to implement the EU’s tech priority agenda.

The council looks forward to joint efforts with policymakers and other stakeholders, he added.
