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DASA-Backed Company Flare Bright Brings Machine Learning-Powered Digital Twin Software for Drones to US, Spain

DASA-Backed Company Flare Bright Brings Machine Learning-Powered Digital Twin Software for Drones to US, Spain

Flare Bright, a machine learning digital twin company based in the United Kingdom, has secured contracts from defense organizations globally, bringing its technology from Spain to the United States. 

In 2021, the small business received initial funding from the U.K. Defense and Security Agency to explore the feasibility of true autonomy in drones. DASA followed up the proof of concept with a second contract that paved the way for the creation of a fixed-wing drone capable of flying in GPS-denied environments. 

Flare Bright has since shifted its focus toward software for aerial and underwater unmanned systems. 

Its digital twin software creates a replica of a drone that incorporates real variables such as aerodynamics, propulsion and fuel use. The company applies machine learning to the digital twin to address challenges in control, navigation and sensing or to optimize performance. 

“Whatever data is produced internally we can measure and compare to the physics model, so that it flies as close as possible to reality,” explained Chris Daniels, chief commercial officer of Flare Bright. 

He added that the company offers a more affordable alternative to physical tests while delivering the same results.

Flare Bright is working on its fourth sprint project with the Department of Defense in the U.S. and testing its technology in Spain. It also secured contracts from the Defence Science Technology Laboratory and the U.K. Ministry of Defense.
