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Defense Allies Meet in Berlin to Discuss Advancing Space Collaboration

Earth and space

The Department of Defense attended the Combined Space Operations Initiative Principals Board meeting in Berlin, Germany, where participants discussed opportunities to advance operational cooperation and information sharing in space.

The event brought together top defense officials from the United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

For the 2023 edition, CSpO welcomed Italy, Japan and Norway as new members, according to the DOD.

The 10-nation alliance talked about the latest security issues in space. The participating defense leaders also examined ways for countries to work closely in space programs and eliminate the likelihood of disputes.

The delegates stressed the importance of promoting a rules-based international order and responsible behavior in space. They also pushed for strategic collaborations to address emerging challenges and ensure the security of space-related operations.

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy John Plumb, who led the U.S. delegation, said working with allies and partners is critical for the United States’ mission of promoting responsible space operations and protecting its interests in the domain.

Air Marshal Robert Chipman, Australia’s Air Force commander, added that a collaborative approach will ensure continued space access for the partner countries and give them a competitive advantage.

Member states established CSpO in 2014 to encourage cooperation and interoperability, sustain freedom of action in space, optimize resources, enhance mission assurance and resilience, and deter conflict.
