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Fortinet To Provide Free Cyber Awareness Training to Teachers Across Australia

cybersecurity training

Fortinet Australia said it will provide teachers with free training about cybersecurity through its Security Awareness and Training service program.

In a statement, Nicole Quinn, head of government affairs for Asia Pacific at Fortinet, said the program will be localized and customized to suit administrators and teachers of Australian schools.

The plan is to deliver online cyber education to approximately 9,000 public and private schools nationwide. This roughly represents government figures of up to 307,000 full-time equivalent teaching staff in primary and secondary education.

The cybersecurity awareness training program supports Fortinet’s commitment to reach 1 million people by 2026. By raising awareness and forging public-private partnerships, the project also aligns with the Australian government’s efforts to become a cyber-secure nation with a workforce not short on cybersecurity talent.

Australian Minister for Cybersecurity Clare O’Neil welcomed Fortinet’s initiative to support teachers and staff across all Australian schools, noting that “partnership with companies such as Fortinet… help improve cyber skills at every level.”
