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East Asia Trip Underscores US Commitment to Partnerships on Nuclear Security

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National Nuclear Security Administration Principal Deputy Administrator Frank Rose met with Japanese officials in mid-July to discuss nuclear security issues, geopolitical challenges and Russia’s ongoing military aggression against Ukraine.

In a meeting with Kano Koji, Japan’s defense policy chief, Rose said the United States created a strategy document meant to address security threats. He highlighted NNSA’s capabilities to defend its partner nations, noting that the agency has five ongoing nuclear warhead programs and works to strengthen the U.S. nuclear production infrastructure.

In separate meetings with other officials, Rose talked about the weapons programs of Russia, China and the U.S. and the need for integrated nuclear deterrence. He also discussed the efforts of the U.S.-Japan Working Group on Nuclear Security, the nuclear nonproliferation regime and how nuclear power can help mitigate climate change.

His visit to Japan was part of an East Asia trip from July 18 to 24 aimed at strengthening nuclear security cooperation in the region. 

After Japan, Rose headed to South Korea, where he spoke with government officials about North Korea and China’s efforts to expand their nuclear capabilities and other related topics.
