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Germany Awards Planet Labs Satellite Data Contract to Support Its Space R&D Initiatives

Germany Awards Planet Labs Satellite Data Contract to Support Its Space R&D Initiatives

Planet Labs Germany will deliver Earth observation data products and services to the German Aerospace Center’s German Space Agency under a three-year contract.

Data licenses from the company will provide DLR researchers access to PlanetScope data products, including near-daily imagery and a deep archive of satellite data dating back to 2016, and the entire RapidEye archive of Germany consisting of imagery with a 5-meter resolution to support their research and development work focused on climate, security and the global economy.

“With access to PlanetScope and RapidEye satellite data, we give scientists the opportunity to develop new innovative methods and applications to derive better insights of our planet Earth with enhanced data analysis capacities and timely data inputs,” said Godela Rossner, head of Earth observation at the German Space Agency at DLR.

Planet Lab’s offerings will enable users to evaluate environmental change and deliver data-informed reports and recommendations for industry and policy initiatives. Germany also plans to use the satellite datasets to teach scientific research methods to students and advance education in the country.

As part of the contract, Planet Labs will support the development of DLR’s EO-Lab Earth observation data platform, which will integrate the satellite data products and offer advanced services.
