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US Updates Advisory on Cyberthreats From Chinese-Made Port Equipment

US Updates Advisory on Cyberthreats From Chinese-Made Port Equipment

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration has added Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries to its list of Chinese government-backed logistics management companies with platforms posing cyberattack risks to maritime stakeholders. 

According to the new MARAD advisory effective Feb. 21 to Aug. 19, Shanghai Zhenhua’s ship-to-shore cranes are vulnerable to cyberattacks as some of their configurations may be controlled remotely.

The agency’s previous advisory, issued in August 2023, listed as potential threats China’s state-supported National Public Information Platform for Transportation and Logistics and Nuctech, another Chinese government-controlled company that manufactures port scanners.

MARAD said China’s Ministry of Transport developed the LOGINK information platform and likely enables Chinese government access to confidential logistics data. The agency pinpointed risks in Nuctech’s data-centric security inspection platforms, which include underperforming x-ray scanners and facial recognition systems that could undermine port security measures.

MARAD’s advisory coincides with a White House announcement on Wednesday that President Joe Biden will issue an executive order to boost U.S. port security together with complementary efforts that will strengthen maritime cybersecurity.
