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US Alliance Beefs Up Data Interoperability in Third Tactical Environment Summit

zero trust security

U.S. military zero trust experts conferred with their allied counterparts during the third Security Interoperability in the Tactical Environment summit to accelerate data sharing in various strategic scenarios. 

The U.S. allies that participated in the event held in Suffolk, Virginia, included the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Japan and South Korea. 

According to a Department of Defense press release issued on Friday, the summit hosted by Joint Staff J-6 follows up on the first and second SITE summits held in 2022 wherein the participants’ minimum zero trust requirements were identified to foster secure data exchange at the appropriate tactical speed.

DOD pointed out that the zero trust security framework requires authentication, authorization and continuous validation for all network users.

The summit seeks to improve data systems protection, expose vulnerabilities to high-level risks and advance Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control capabilities for decision advantage, it added.
