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International Initiatives Blue Dot Network, FAST-Infra Group Partner to Promote Sustainable Infrastructures

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Two international initiatives are working together to mobilize private sector investment to promote sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure projects. 

During the Sustainable Infrastructure Panel at the Conference of the Parties 28 on Thursday, Blue Dot Network and Finance to Accelerate the Sustainable Transition – Infrastructure announced plans to coordinate their respective programs and identify complementary areas for collaboration. 

The Blue Dot Network is a certification mechanism that ensures investors and other stakeholders that infrastructure projects are financially, socially and environmentally sustainable. It was launched by the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Spain and Japan as a multilateral effort to promote sustainable infrastructures around the world. 

Meanwhile, FAST-Infra is a multi-stakeholder initiative that was established in France in 2022. Its goal is to support innovations in sustainable infrastructures.

The partnership complements the G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment, which aims to achieve global net-zero emissions through the positive impact of infrastructure.
