Russian President Vladimir Putin has directed his government and Sberbank, the largest bank in Russia, to work with China on developing artificial intelligence. The directive, published on the Kremlin’s website on Wednesday, follows Putin’s announcement in December regarding Russia’s intention to collaborate with other BRICS member countries to advance AI technology, according to a Reuters report.
BRICS, which was formed in 2011, includes Russia, China, Brazil, India and South Africa. In January 2024, Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia also joined the alliance.
In the Reuters report, it was noted that Putin’s order emphasizes the importance of cooperation with China in AI research and development. German Gref, the CEO of Sberbank, highlighted that acquiring new graphics processing units, which are essential for advancing AI, is particularly challenging for Russia.
This difficulty arises because major microchip exporters have stopped doing business with Russia. The United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have formed the Export Enforcement Five, or E5, to restrict Moscow’s technology access amid the ongoing war in Ukraine. In September 2023, the E5 issued new guidelines to prevent the Russian government from evading sanctions using third countries.
According to the latest Global Artificial Intelligence Index, published by Tortoise Media, Russia ranks 31st out of 83 countries in AI implementation, innovation and investment. The United States, China and BRICS member India are in the top 10.