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Treasury Issues New Round of Sanctions Over Houthi Attacks in Red Sea

Treasury Issues New Round of Sanctions Over Houthi Attacks in Red Sea

The Department of the Treasury has imposed new sanctions against entities aiding Iran in providing financial assistance to Houthi forces in Yemen. 

In a press release posted on Thursday, the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control designated Nabil Ali Ahmed Al-Hadha pursuant to Executive Order 13224, which prohibits transactions with terrorists.

According to OFAC, Al-Hadha serves as an intermediary who facilitates the transfer of funds to and from Yemen in support of Houthi destabilizing activities. Al Adha’s company, Nabco Money Exchange and Remittance, was also sanctioned for its involvement in the illicit flow of funds from Iran to Yemen.

The new round of sanctions also includes exchange houses Al Aman and Al Rawda in Turkey and Yemen for financial transactions involving Houthi-affiliated companies.

“The United States, along with our allies and partners, will continue to target the key facilitation networks that enable the destabilizing activities of the Houthis and their backers in Iran,” said Brian Nelson, undersecretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The action comes a few days after the Houthis claimed responsibility for a missile attack on a container ship in the Red Sea.

Since October, the Yemeni militia group has been carrying out attacks on commercial vessels sailing across the Red Sea toward Israel over its war against Palestine.
