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US, UK, Canada Collaborative R&D Seeks to Accelerate Emerging Technology Development

US, UK, Canada Collaborative R&D Seeks to Accelerate Emerging Technology Development

The United Kingdom, the United States and Canada have established an initiative to fast-track the three countries’ advanced defense technologies from concept to production, with a focus on artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and information domain-related technologies.

The three-way collaboration will tackle:

  • human-AI teaming,
  • development of trustworthy AI systems,
  • initiatives related to the health of the information domain, and
  • producing tools and techniques that would result in more resilient and secure systems.

The aim is to build new operational concepts that address real-world challenges, reduce duplication of efforts and make resources available to each of the three participating nations.

The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory will lead the U.K. component, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and Defence Research and Development Canada will spearhead the U.S. and Canadian sides.

In his remarks, Nick Joad, director of science and technology at the U.K. Ministry of Defence, said the country’s research collaboration with the U.S. and Canada is among its most important international relationships.

“This agreement cements our collective commitments to advancing emerging cybersecurity technologies such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence to enhance the defence and security of our nations,” he added.
