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Taiwan Secures US Approval to Procure $300M Worth of F-16 Parts

Taiwan Secures US Approval to Procure $300M Worth of F-16 Parts

The United States is set to deliver $300 million worth of F-16 parts to Taiwan following the Department of State’s approval of two proposed foreign military sales.

According to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the procurement request involves standard and nonstandard spare and repair parts, components, consumables and accessories for the fighter aircraft.

The U.S. government will also supply engineering, technical and logistics services and other elements of logistics and program support for the F-16, DSCA said, noting that Congress has been informed about the pending agreement.

The agency stressed that the potential FMS deals align with existing U.S. laws and policies. The deals will also help Taiwan maintain the operational readiness of its F-16 fleet, bolstering the island nation’s 0ability to meet existing and emerging threats.

In addition, the possible sale will advance political stability, military balance and economic progress in the region, which serves the U.S. national, economic and security interests, DSCA said.

The United States will source the F-16 parts from the U.S. Air Force inventory.

In a statement, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense, which noted that the agreement would satisfy its air force’s combat and defense requirements, said the sale would be finalized in July.
