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Denmark Set to Upgrade CV90 Army Vehicles to Impove Operability

Denmark Set to Upgrade CV90 Army Vehicles to Impove Operability

The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation and BAE Systems have entered a framework agreement for the repair and maintenance of the Danish Army’s 44 CV90s to upgrade the infantry fighting vehicles’ operability. BAE Systems said the services, worth about $400 million, cover 15 years and include the supply of spare parts.

Sweden-based BAE Systems Hagglunds, which designs and manufactures the CV90, delivered the Danish IFVs in the autumn of 2007. It signed an agreement with Copenhagen in 2016 for the vehicles’ systems integration, capability upgrades and long-term sustainment.

Tommy Gustafsson-Rask, BAE Systems Hagglunds managing director, described the new 15-year agreement as important in securing the functionality of the Danish Army’s CV90 fleet. It will ensure that the vehicles’ performance will be maintained “at a high capability level and tempo for many years,” he pointed out.

CV90 comes in 17 variants, with 1,700 vehicles on order or already in service in 10 European countries.

In December, Denmark and Sweden signed a letter of intent to donate CV90s to Ukraine to support Kyiv’s war against Russia.
