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Bipartisan Bill Seeks to Drive AI Advancement Among Five Eyes Allies

arificial intelligence

Reps. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., and Ro Khanna, D-Calif., have filed the Five AIs Act directing the Secretary of Defense to form a working group for the development of artificial intelligence within the Five Eyes intelligence alliance. 

According to a press release from Gallagher’s office issued on Tuesday, the proposed legislation will enable the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Canada to collaborate on advanced AI systems. 

Through the working group, the bill also seeks to open opportunities for the Five Eyes members to jointly compare, test, evaluate and procure advanced AI solutions. It will also be tasked to pinpoint potential ways to accelerate AI interoperability for intelligence sharing and battle space alertness.

Gallagher, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Cyber, Information Technologies and Innovation, said that it has to be ensured that “the free world continues to lead when it comes to AI innovation combined with sensible guardrails for AI use.” He added that adversaries, particularly China, have to be prevented “from weaponizing AI to advance their military ambitions.”

In  June, U.S. News reported that Canadian Defense Minister Anita Anand has expressed interest in increasing cooperation with Five Eyes allies on AI as well as other advanced technologies.
