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UK Taps Leidos for Geospatial Intelligence Support

UK Taps Leidos for Geospatial Intelligence Support

Leidos has secured a seven-year contract from the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence to provide meteorological and oceanographic data information and services to support the National Centre for Geospatial Intelligence.

The award covers the delivery of THOR, a scalable data and services capability that would provide the MoD with enhanced environmental insights. THOR will succeed the ministry’s current Thundercloud system, which has been in use since the 1980s to collate, analyze, and distribute meteorological and oceanographic data for military operations.

QinetiQ currently leads the maintenance efforts for Thundercloud.

In addition to providing THOR, the contractor is expected to extend services to support infrastructure, user access and storage modernization.

Miles Hutton, vice president for business development at Leidos UK, highlighted the contract’s important role in supporting the military missions, noting, “Weather is a critical component in military activity, be that delivering effects in challenging conditions at sea, conducting continuous air operations, or safeguarding troops in climatic extremes.”

“By leveraging our credentials in geospatial and mission software development from across the U.K., Australia and the U.S., and by collaborating with our specialist network of partners and subject matter experts, we will work to develop vital capabilities to collect and share information that is crucial for the U.K. and our allies’ military operations across the globe,” the executive said.
