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Australia Expects Apache Deliveries to Commence in Q4 2025

Australia Expects Apache Deliveries to Commence in Q4 2025

The first batch of 29 AH-64 Apache helicopters Australia ordered from Boeing in 2022 is expected to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2015, kicking off the phaseout of the Tiger ARH, Australian Army Maj. Gen. Richard Vagg told Breaking Defense. According to the general, the military service will operate the Apaches from the Royal Australian Air Force base in Townsville.

The Apache’s deliveries will result in the gradual pullout of the Army’s 1st Aviation Regiment from the Robertson Barracks airfield in Darwin, where the Tiger ARHs currently operate. The Australian Army will close its Darwin operations and the Eurocopter Tiger’s service once the Apache obtains initial operational capability on armed reconnaissance.

In July, the Australian Department of Defence said Canberra is spending about $468 million for the Townsville base upgrade to support the incoming Apaches. Australia has also earmarked an estimated $300 million for Apache sustainment support services and related equipment.

Vagg disclosed that the Australian Army will suggest donating the Tiger units or selling the fleet as options for the government after they retire from service, anticipated for 2028, but he dismissed the possibility of deactivating or putting them aside for later use, citing the cost of keeping their software up to date.
