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US Hands Sanctions to New Entities Supporting Russia’s War Campaign

US Hands Sanctions to New Entities Supporting Russia’s War Campaign

The U.S. Department of the Treasury has imposed sanctions against third-country actors identified to be materially supporting Russia’s war campaign in Ukraine. 

According to the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, the action implements the Group of Seven’s decision to take down the Kremlin’s military procurement networks, including individuals and entities that are helping secure the tools and equipment needed to sustain its operations.

The sanctions also aim to disrupt the Russian government’s attempts to use the international financial system to generate funds for its war machine.

The latest round of sanctions highlights Russia’s tactic of using Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, China and other transnational networks to secure technology and equipment for its war economy, OFAC said.

According to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the U.S. government’s action seeks to neutralize third-country suppliers and networks supplying the items Russia requires to sustain its military-industrial base.

One of the targeted networks includes four entities and nine individuals in China, Russia, Hong Kong and Pakistan. The group facilitated the acquisition and delivery of Chinese-manufactured weapons and technologies to the Russian military, OFAC disclosed.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of State has designated more than 100 entities and individuals believed to be involved in sanctions evasion in numerous third countries.

The targeted people and entities are responsible for supporting Russia’s ability to wage war on Ukraine and bolstering its future energy production and export capacity, the department said.
