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Germany Denies Leaving Future Combat Air System Project

future combat air system

A German Ministry of Defense spokesperson has denied a report in The Times that Berlin may exit from the Future Combat Air System/SCAF next-generation fighter project it is partnered with France and Spain.

The unnamed spokesperson told Breaking Defense that “Germany is sticking to the joint project” and the partnership is building the first FCAS demonstration prototype. “We are on the right track here and will continue on this path,” the official added.

French officials also said the Germans remain committed to the FCAS project.

Meanwhile, Paris is working on a deal to deliver 26 Rafale jets to India’s Navy, an order that followed an earlier delivery of the aircraft to India in 2022.

The French government was also reported negotiating for the supply of 54 Rafale aircraft to Saudi Arabia, with the Saudis asking French aircraft manufacturer Dassault for a quotation by Nov. 10. A spoiler to the deal is Germany’s objection to the Eurofighter sale to Saudi Arabia because of the conflict with Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen.
