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National Intelligence Strategy Tackles US Rivalries With China

Office of the Director of National Intelligence logo

The United States’ strategic competition with China and Russia is among the key goals addressed in the National Intelligence Strategy released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Thursday.

The strategy also draws attention to the larger role the Intelligence Community must play in helping build a resilient critical infrastructure for the country and allied nations, ODNI Director Avril Haines said in a statement.

Other NIS focus areas include the rising influence of state-sponsored and non-state actors and the growing importance of economic statecraft, emerging technologies and supply chains to national security, added Haines, a three-time Wash100 winner.

Other IC leaders also remarked on the strategy’s announcement.

FBI Director Chris Wray commented that the 2023 NIS serves as an indispensable guide for the IC a sit deals with rising threats and challenges from several fronts, including cyberattacks from foreign adversaries and bad actors and China’s efforts to “reshape the international order.”

According to CIA Director Bill Burns, also a Wash100 awardee, the strategy emphasizes the importance of investing in expert talent, collaboration and innovation to address global food security, climate change and competition with China, among other issues.

The NIS recognizes a growing competition between democracies and autocracies and will facilitate for the IC a better understanding of China’s actions and intents, noted Gen. Paul Nakasone, director of the National Security Agency and commander of U.S. Cyber Command.

The 2023 NIS sets strategic direction for all 18 U.S. intelligence elements for the next four years, ODNI said.
